Is that weird? I think it's weird. I'm weird.
Anyway... I won, and I won some money too, which I will be spending in Italy this summer :) My winning essay is posted on my site, under the essay tab. It's titled, "Disney Damage and Princess Culture: The Dark Realities of Objectification and Repressive Ideologies." Read it if you'd like, don't if you don't.
The most enjoyable part of winning this award was attending the end of the year English Department party. I enjoy being surrounded by professors and friends, and seeing all my favorite people, like Dr. Jennifer Rupert! She's the best! And she won a teaching award too! I was more excited about her receiving an award than I was about receiving mine. I'm her biggest fan, she knows this. It was a great day, sad because I had to say goodbye to one of my classes and a great professor, Anna Kornbluh, but happy because it ended on a good note. Hopefully she forgives me for the horrific essay I turned in earlier in the day...
Being around these great and successful people makes me want to become a professor, but at the same time it reminds me about how they don't get paid enough and are underfunded because of the University and the Illinois government. It's not right, and frankly pisses me off. I believe that the people who educate others should be respected and paid a livable wage. They should also have healthcare benefits...
There I go again, going on a tangent... So overall, I'm a winner, don't hate me, professors are cool so pay them. Have a great weekend! And make sure to catch the second episode of Game of Thrones on Sunday night!