Today. Tomorrow. Always. I haven't been posting to my blog for a few months, but I had to come back to say this. Black Lives Matter. All lives can't matter until Black lives matter. There is so much more I want to say, but my voice is not important right now. We need to make way for black leaders and voices. They need to be heard. Now more then ever. If we can continue down this path of standing up for what's right, for true justice, I am so hopeful for change and the future.
The government is not doing enough. And of course they can't, not when the GOP continues slashing all the good stuff... anyway... stay safe out there. Make good choices. Don't horde shit. And ask your elderly neighbors if they need anything, they're the most vulnerable people right now and we need to support them.
Continuing the series four years later, I found the second book a delight, as Mia’s relationship with Michael develops a lot more than it did in the films. But after the second book, I grew tired of Mia as a protagonist. By book five, she is still a high school freshman, with high school freshman problems and annoying teenage habits. As an almost twenty-five-year-old woman, I found it hard to relate to her character and her experiences (not the princess aspect, which I could never relate to anyway, as I’m not a royal). I think I’m just too old for this series now. If I were still in middle school or high school I’d probably be going through all of the books very quickly, but as an adult, I’ve decided to throw in the towel. I can’t stand Mia as a narrator anymore, and it hurts me to say that, but overall, Meg Cabot is a good writer, and If you like movies, give the books a try. Let me know if you were able to read more than just the first four like I did... ~~~ Cristina from the future here! Well, a day after the above content was written. I've reconsidered ditching this series. I'm not sure when I'll return to it (not anytime soon), but one day... one day! The change of heart came after I watched this video: It was sweet, and made me want to give the series another try :)
I plan to post about the books I've read later on :) Do you have any reading goals this year? Let me know! I'm tracking my reading progress both on goodreads and Instagram. Find me on either one if you want to talk books! CR
My own writing progress is slow at the moment, but the other day I did figure out a few major plot points, and feel more confident about moving forward now. I am planning to participate in Camp NaNoWriMo this April, so hopefully I can get words in. All the words!
I'll make another post once I've finished reading this 800 page monster. Until then, stay safe out there. Wash your fucking hands, and don't use the Coronavirus as an excuse to be a fucking racist! Bye~ CR If you're still on the fence about who to vote for today, just think: WWMRD. What would Mark Ruffalo do? Well, he'd vote for Bernie, and so should you.But on a serious note, today is an important day. Please think rationally. And go Vote!
I love Bernie Sanders. LOVE Bernie Sanders. I've loved him since 2016. I love him still. He won Nevada yesterday. That's three states in a row. Bernie can win. I believed so in 2016, and I believe it now. During this election, I've now contributed twice for a total of $37 dollars. It's the best use of $37 dollars I can think of. He's a man of the people. His slogan is literally: Not Me. Us. He's the only consistent candidate, the only decent human being in the race. I believe this country can improve with Bernie guiding us and inspiring us to be better. Medicare for all is not a pipe dream, it's a basic human right and a real possibility. Don't believe what republicans or centrists or even what Joe or that piece of trash Bloomberg have to say. It won't be an easy transition, but it's possible, and it's necessary. Please, if you're still on the fence about who to vote for, consider voting for Bernie. Do your research. I promise you, he is worth it. Here are a few videos you might want to take a look at:
Hi there. I just wanted to pop in and say thank you to the kind gentlemen that replied to one of my essay posts. This was unexpected. I've never gotten a real response on my site before (besides the constant spam), and it came at a time when I was feeling absolutely terrible about myself and my life. Not to say that anything is particularly better now, but I am working on myself, as we all are constantly. So I just wanted to thank you, Dan, for my first real interaction on here. It's extremely cool to hear from a fellow Alumnus of UIC. And congrats to you for winning the same award! If you ever see this post, please reply with a link to your blog! I'd love you read your essay :) CR Thanks again!
A short snippet from my first draft/zero draft: Her mother stared at the ground where bodies lay by Pólemos’ bare, blood-covered feet. She’d been dancing. It wasn’t her talent, but the sight had sparked a sort of joy that she could not contain, and so she’d danced around the dead, celebrating the beauty. “War is not an art, my child, this…” she started, “this is madness.” “War is an art,” Pólemos sighed. “Perhaps even more so than Terpsichore’s dancing or Melpomene’s acting. How can Polyhymnia write her hymns without death, Mamma? Without war? I have finally found my purpose. My craft inspires creativity in others. Can’t you see, Mamma? There can be no beauty in this world without darkness, no light without horror.” -CR
Cristina R.Artist, Writer, Reader, Gamer, Plant Enthusiast. "She wasn't doing a thing that I could see, except standing there leaning on the balcony railing, holding the universe together." -Salinger Archives
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